Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I sent a bank transfer, but I haven’t received any email or anything. What’s happening?”

Banks in Poland typically process transfers with a standard delay of 1 business day. This means the money usually reaches our account only 1 business day after the transfer, and then we send access details via email. It may happen that you make a transfer on Friday and receive access to the materials only on Monday.

To speed things up, you can choose a different payment method.

For regular transfers, we recommend sending a confirmation of the transfer to This should expedite order processing.

“I am interested in your ‘Kiwi application’. Is the payment one-time or monthly?”

Access to the application is paid for via a monthly subscription.

“Can I download the application to my hard drive and use it offline?”

Unfortunately, no, the application only works online through a web browser.

“Is the application available in mobile form on Google Play or the App Store?”

Unfortunately, no, the application only works through a web browser.

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